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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Million ways to Happiness, Life and Death !

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My recent trip to Borders and Virgin Book Store revealed something startling, fascinating and amusing to certain extent. I came across a set of confident looking, smartly pictured Life and career Coaches who were inviting me in the Book shelf to discuss the matters most close to my heart, my fears, my worries and concerns. Most of them claimed to have solution to all my problems, which could be solved in few minutes or days. That's what I have been searching for all these years. In fact I created few additional and peculiar problems, so that I can Stumble upon some non-conventional paths to wisdom and perpetual happiness. This is what I craved for all those years and so here they were in my face, with an awesome money back guarantee.

Back in front of my personal computer, aka Laptop, I smartly searched for 'How to Live Happily' and in a fraction of second (0.27 seconds to be precise), I found 48.6 million pieces of advice in the form of text, videos, vivid images, powerful, earth moving presentations. My secret wanderlust desires prompted me to excavate more truths to Nirvana from my comfortable desk using my Quad-core ( has four time musing capabilities !) machine. So within few seconds of finding a million ways to happiness and life, I embarked upon the journey to the other pole. Backed my binary logical upbringing and limited imagination, I promptly searched for 'How to Die Happily'. This time it took a tad longer, about 0.32 seconds, but EUreKa, I found 1.76 Billion ways !

After this discovery, my wanderlust desires made me travel back in time...err place ! And I was taken for a surprise once again. I couldn't fine a single book which can tell me how to achieve a happy death. So does it mean that more people in the virtual, Online world are keen to explore the path to happy death and much less in the real world ?  Is it one thing to Live Happily and Another to Die ? Why not many books have been written about perfect Death ! Is it possible to live a happy life and die unhappily ? Is it possible to live a not so perfect life yet die perfectly ?

No matter how much we try to sort things out,we always land up in a trouble !  No matter how many books we read, understand and appreciate, we are still not sure which one is perfect or to close to it, for us. Sometimes we know it, but we don't want to pursue, what we preach or read. Perhaps the search itself is futile ! A million ways have been discovered towards happiness, life and death and many more are still waiting to be discovered !

We all at some point in time Knows, what is right and what is not. We know, at least to certain extent, what can make us happy. We have all these wonderfully smart books, blogs, e-papers and what not at our disposal to 'Know' the ultimate truth, literally at the blink of eye. 'Knowing' isn't everything. 'Knowing' alone cant bring the change we all have been craving for eons. However 'Knowing' is right beginning in the right direction.We need to take small step from Knowing to Doing towards Happy Life and perhaps Death !


  1. Happiness and perfection are relative terms. And so is life. Death, however, is absolute.

    1. death certainly is absolute and perhaps thats why nobody wants to talk/write/read about it !

  2. Most of the times people fear death. The moment one accepts that death is a part of life, the fear is removed.

    1. No life form wants to die and tries their best to survive as long as possible, Indiawilds ! thanks for the comment...hope to read you more often

  3. Death is single most innovation of Life. Something that makes Life take the last laugh. You plan life but never death. You can place things in proper order so that you are ready for death, that's it. That is the maximum you can do.

    I don't think there can exist something as perfect death. It is a full-stop. A point. Period. You cannot compare which full-stop is better! A perfect full-stop? Getting...its futile.

    But life is can be planned/ altered/ enjoyed and every other thing can be done with it, in it, that you can think of!

    1. thanks for the comment Karan. Isnt is interesting that we plan life all our lives and forget to live midst those planning ! Most of us even live, so that we can die peacefully and perhaps enjoy the life after death !!

  4. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Even death is relative- Some people die almost everyday without fully realizing it while others live on even after their physical deaths, sometimes forever!

    1. very well said Anon. This brings us back to relativity and futility in almost everything, be it life or death !

  5. To know the ultimate truth, would be to know the meaning of life.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Hi Nitin! Coincidentally, I'm actually reading a book titled "The most beautiful way to die" (translated from malay). I immediately went and bougt this book when I saw it in the newspaper because its true that we always talk about living happily and fail to realize that we need to have a happy ending as well.

    1. Happy Ending indeed is the need. Perhaps if we keep Happy Ending as our aim, we will be able to live happily as well. Thanks for the comment Zunnur !

  8. Hi Nitin! I am re-reading 'Veronica decides to die' after a long time and i wonder if the knowledge of impending death makes us more alive? What we forget is that one day we will perish and to make most of everything while we are here. But then why does life seem one impossible dreadful stretch at times? Awareness of mortality is a blessing in given to humans. death fascinates me and maybe all of us. as Freud stated...eros and thanatos are complementary after all.

    1. thanks for the wonderful comments Sana. Interesting point you have made here...just by reminding ourselves of the ultimate truth constantly, we can live more peacefully, perhaps more meaningful life !

  9. A little good deed is better than a good intention...only a step can take towards happines... having said that knowing is important for what shall u walk on if u aren't aware of the path.

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